Conflict Communication
The joy of communication lies in promoting the well-being of others, even in conflict. It is the way back to a more natural way of communication, solving conflicts in a pleasant and peaceful way. It is about the basic attitude of a leader, the appreciative relationship between people - conflict resolution where both parties win.
Staff Interviews
Communication is a core dimension of leadership, because leadership involves a relationship between people. Most relationships become unproductive due to communication problems. It is about the extent to which a manager is approachable to the employees, how a manager tries to understand an individual employee, and is therefore able to make themselves understood.
Conflict Management
Conflicts burn energy and draw attention to themselves. Solving conflicts places some demands on the manager. It requires a willingness to distance oneself emotionally. In conversations, the executive must be able to listen well, contribute, represent his interests and views, set personal boundaries, and resolve conflicts. The basic humble attitude of high-level personnel is crucial, so that a solution can be found.
Questioning Techniques
Whoever asks, leads. Only through a dialogue can the manager achieve a result in the conversation. Practice shows that it can be a challenge to formulate a question correctly. It is very helpful to deal with the topic "questions", since the meaning of “question techniques” is a central instrument of the constructive discussion guidance.
Communication Models
Understanding communication models is an essential key competence of a manager. Asking questions and giving answers is a special form of communication. The value-free observation in a conversation is of central importance and creates framework conditions.